Unlock Your Full Potential

Get Prepared. Find a Job. Make a Difference.

Gain Confidence

Learn the role and build the skills you need to crush your interviews.

Find a Great Job

Get hired into a role that is a perfect fit for you and your career.

Tackle Real Challenges

This isn't just about selling, it's about making a difference in the industry.

Learn the Role

New to Pre-Sales? Start Here.

What is Sales Engineering?

A look at the role of the Sales Engineer and how it fits into the modern sales process.

Sales Engineer vs Solutions Engineer

Do you know the difference between a Sales Engineer and a Solutions Engineer?

Introduction to B2B Sales

An introduction to B2B sales and how the role of pre-sales plays a critical part in the modern sales process.

Build Your Skills

Let's Sharpen Those Technical & Soft Skills

Are Certifications Worth it?

Before you start shelling out money for the latest certification, let's take a look if they make sense for you.

The T-Shaped Sales Engineer

Are you a T-Shaped person? I hope so, because it can be a huge advantage when it comes to pre-sales. Let’s find out.

Should Sales Engineers Learn to Code?

In a world being eaten by software, a hotly debated topic that keeps rearing its head; should Sales Engineer learn to code? Let’s investigate.

Land a Job

Be Prepared for Anything That Comes Your Way

How to Land Your First Technical Sales Job

An honest look at preparing for and landing your first technical sales job in the cybersecurity industry.

Preparing for the Interview

Interviews can trigger all kinds of emotions, but being prepared can help keep those jitters in check. Let’s take a look at what being prepared means.

Ultimate Guide to Pre-Sales Compensation

A deep dive into the complexities of pre-sales compensation and how to negotiate the right elements.